.. Copyright 1988-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is part of the GCC manual. For copying conditions, see the copyright.rst file. .. _projects: Projects ******** *Help build the test suite* Solicit more code for donation to the test suite: the more extensive the testsuite, the smaller the risk of breaking things in the future! We can keep code private on request. *Bug hunting/squishing* Find bugs and write more test cases! Test cases are especially very welcome, because it allows us to concentrate on fixing bugs instead of isolating them. Going through the bugzilla database at https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/ to reduce testcases posted there and add more information (for example, for which version does the testcase work, for which versions does it fail?) is also very helpful. *Missing features* For a larger project, consider working on the missing features required for Fortran language standards compliance (see :ref:`standards`), or contributing to the implementation of extensions such as OpenMP (see :ref:`openmp`) or OpenACC (see :ref:`openacc`) that are under active development. Again, contributing test cases for these features is useful too!