.. Copyright 1988-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is part of the GCC manual. For copying conditions, see the copyright.rst file. .. _freestanding-environments: Profiling and Test Coverage in Freestanding Environments ******************************************************** In case your application runs in a hosted environment such as GNU/Linux, then this section is likely not relevant to you. This section is intended for application developers targeting freestanding environments (for example embedded systems) with limited resources. In particular, systems or test cases which do not support constructors/destructors or the C library file I/O. In this section, the :dfn:`target system` runs your application instrumented for profiling or test coverage. You develop and analyze your application on the :dfn:`host system`. We now provide an overview how profiling and test coverage can be obtained in this scenario followed by a tutorial which can be exercised on the host system. Finally, some system initialization caveats are listed. Overview ^^^^^^^^ For an application instrumented for profiling or test coverage, the compiler generates some global data structures which are updated by instrumentation code while the application runs. These data structures are called the :dfn:`gcov information`. Normally, when the application exits, the gcov information is stored to :samp:`.gcda` files. There is one file per translation unit instrumented for profiling or test coverage. The function ``__gcov_exit()``, which stores the gcov information to a file, is called by a global destructor function for each translation unit instrumented for profiling or test coverage. It runs at process exit. In a global constructor function, the ``__gcov_init()`` function is called to register the gcov information of a translation unit in a global list. In some situations, this procedure does not work. Firstly, if you want to profile the global constructor or exit processing of an operating system, the compiler generated functions may conflict with the test objectives. Secondly, you may want to test early parts of the system initialization or abnormal program behaviour which do not allow a global constructor or exit processing. Thirdly, you need a filesystem to store the files. The :option:`-fprofile-info-section` GCC option enables you to use profiling and test coverage in freestanding environments. This option disables the use of global constructors and destructors for the gcov information. Instead, a pointer to the gcov information is stored in a special linker input section for each translation unit which is compiled with this option. By default, the section name is ``.gcov_info``. The gcov information is statically initialized. The pointers to the gcov information from all translation units of an executable can be collected by the linker in a contiguous memory block. For the GNU linker, the below linker script output section definition can be used to achieve this: .. code-block:: c++ .gcov_info : { PROVIDE (__gcov_info_start = .); KEEP (*(.gcov_info)) PROVIDE (__gcov_info_end = .); } The linker will provide two global symbols, ``__gcov_info_start`` and ``__gcov_info_end``, which define the start and end of the array of pointers to gcov information blocks, respectively. The ``KEEP ()`` directive is required to prevent a garbage collection of the pointers. They are not directly referenced by anything in the executable. The section may be placed in a read-only memory area. In order to transfer the profiling and test coverage data from the target to the host system, the application has to provide a function to produce a reliable in order byte stream from the target to the host. The byte stream may be compressed and encoded using error detection and correction codes to meet application-specific requirements. The GCC provided :samp:`libgcov` target library provides two functions, ``__gcov_info_to_gcda()`` and ``__gcov_filename_to_gcfn()``, to generate a byte stream from a gcov information bock. The functions are declared in ``#include ``. The byte stream can be deserialized by the :command:`merge-stream` subcommand of the :command:`gcov-tool` to create or update :samp:`.gcda` files in the host filesystem for the instrumented application. Tutorial ^^^^^^^^ This tutorial should be exercised on the host system. We will build a program instrumented for test coverage. The program runs an application and dumps the gcov information to :samp:`stderr` encoded as a printable character stream. The application simply decodes such character streams from :samp:`stdin` and writes the decoded character stream to :samp:`stdout` (warning: this is binary data). The decoded character stream is consumed by the :command:`merge-stream` subcommand of the :command:`gcov-tool` to create or update the :samp:`.gcda` files. To get started, create an empty directory. Change into the new directory. Then you will create the following three files in this directory * :samp:`app.h` - a header file included by :samp:`app.c` and :samp:`main.c`, * :samp:`app.c` - a source file which contains an example application, and * :samp:`main.c` - a source file which contains the program main function and code to dump the gcov information. Firstly, create the header file :samp:`app.h` with the following content: .. code-block:: c++ static const unsigned char a = 'a'; static inline unsigned char * encode (unsigned char c, unsigned char buf[2]) { buf[0] = c % 16 + a; buf[1] = (c / 16) % 16 + a; return buf; } extern void application (void); Secondly, create the source file :samp:`app.c` with the following content: .. code-block:: c++ #include "app.h" #include /* The application reads a character stream encoded by encode() from stdin, decodes it, and writes the decoded characters to stdout. Characters other than the 16 characters 'a' to 'p' are ignored. */ static int can_decode (unsigned char c) { return (unsigned char)(c - a) < 16; } void application (void) { int first = 1; int i; unsigned char c; while ((i = fgetc (stdin)) != EOF) { unsigned char x = (unsigned char)i; if (can_decode (x)) { if (first) c = x - a; else fputc (c + 16 * (x - a), stdout); first = !first; } else first = 1; } } Thirdly, create the source file :samp:`main.c` with the following content: .. code-block:: c++ #include "app.h" #include #include #include /* The start and end symbols are provided by the linker script. We use the array notation to avoid issues with a potential small-data area. */ extern const struct gcov_info *const __gcov_info_start[]; extern const struct gcov_info *const __gcov_info_end[]; /* This function shall produce a reliable in order byte stream to transfer the gcov information from the target to the host system. */ static void dump (const void *d, unsigned n, void *arg) { (void)arg; const unsigned char *c = d; unsigned char buf[2]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) fwrite (encode (c[i], buf), sizeof (buf), 1, stderr); } /* The filename is serialized to a gcfn data stream by the __gcov_filename_to_gcfn() function. The gcfn data is used by the "merge-stream" subcommand of the "gcov-tool" to figure out the filename associated with the gcov information. */ static void filename (const char *f, void *arg) { __gcov_filename_to_gcfn (f, dump, arg); } /* The __gcov_info_to_gcda() function may have to allocate memory under certain conditions. Simply try it out if it is needed for your application or not. */ static void * allocate (unsigned length, void *arg) { (void)arg; return malloc (length); } /* Dump the gcov information of all translation units. */ static void dump_gcov_info (void) { const struct gcov_info *const *info = __gcov_info_start; const struct gcov_info *const *end = __gcov_info_end; /* Obfuscate variable to prevent compiler optimizations. */ __asm__ ("" : "+r" (info)); while (info != end) { void *arg = NULL; __gcov_info_to_gcda (*info, filename, dump, allocate, arg); fputc ('\n', stderr); ++info; } } /* The main() function just runs the application and then dumps the gcov information to stderr. */ int main (void) { application (); dump_gcov_info (); return 0; } If we compile :samp:`app.c` with test coverage and no extra profiling options, then a global constructor (``_sub_I_00100_0`` here, it may have a different name in your environment) and destructor (``_sub_D_00100_1``) is used to register and dump the gcov information, respectively. We also see undefined references to ``__gcov_init`` and ``__gcov_exit`` : .. code-block:: shell-session $ gcc --coverage -c app.c $ nm app.o 0000000000000000 r a 0000000000000030 T application 0000000000000000 t can_decode U fgetc U fputc 0000000000000000 b __gcov0.application 0000000000000038 b __gcov0.can_decode 0000000000000000 d __gcov_.application 00000000000000c0 d __gcov_.can_decode U __gcov_exit U __gcov_init U __gcov_merge_add U stdin U stdout 0000000000000161 t _sub_D_00100_1 0000000000000151 t _sub_I_00100_0 Compile :samp:`app.c` and :samp:`main.c` with test coverage and :option:`-fprofile-info-section`. Now, a read-only pointer size object is present in the ``.gcov_info`` section and there are no undefined references to ``__gcov_init`` and ``__gcov_exit`` : .. code-block:: shell-session $ gcc --coverage -fprofile-info-section -c main.c $ gcc --coverage -fprofile-info-section -c app.c $ objdump -h app.o app.o: file format elf64-x86-64 Sections: Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn 0 .text 00000151 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000040 2**0 CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, RELOC, READONLY, CODE 1 .data 00000100 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000001a0 2**5 CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, RELOC, DATA 2 .bss 00000040 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000002a0 2**5 ALLOC 3 .rodata 0000003c 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000002a0 2**3 CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, READONLY, DATA 4 .gcov_info 00000008 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000002e0 2**3 CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, RELOC, READONLY, DATA 5 .comment 0000004e 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000002e8 2**0 CONTENTS, READONLY 6 .note.GNU-stack 00000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000336 2**0 CONTENTS, READONLY 7 .eh_frame 00000058 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000338 2**3 CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, RELOC, READONLY, DATA We have to customize the program link procedure so that all the ``.gcov_info`` linker input sections are placed in a contiguous memory block with a begin and end symbol. Firstly, get the default linker script using the following commands (we assume a GNU linker): .. code-block:: shell-session $ ld --verbose | sed '1,/^===/d' | sed '/^===/d' > linkcmds Secondly, open the file :samp:`linkcmds` with a text editor and place the linker output section definition from the overview after the ``.rodata`` section definition. Link the program executable using the customized linker script: .. code-block:: shell-session $ gcc --coverage main.o app.o -T linkcmds -Wl,-Map,app.map In the linker map file :samp:`app.map`, we see that the linker placed the read-only pointer size objects of our objects files :samp:`main.o` and :samp:`app.o` into a contiguous memory block and provided the symbols ``__gcov_info_start`` and ``__gcov_info_end`` : .. code-block:: shell-session $ grep -C 1 "\.gcov_info" app.map .gcov_info 0x0000000000403ac0 0x10 0x0000000000403ac0 PROVIDE (__gcov_info_start = .) *(.gcov_info) .gcov_info 0x0000000000403ac0 0x8 main.o .gcov_info 0x0000000000403ac8 0x8 app.o 0x0000000000403ad0 PROVIDE (__gcov_info_end = .) Make sure no :samp:`.gcda` files are present. Run the program with nothing to decode and dump :samp:`stderr` to the file :samp:`gcda-0.txt` (first run). Run the program to decode :samp:`gcda-0.txt` and send it to the :command:`gcov-tool` using the :command:`merge-stream` subcommand to create the :samp:`.gcda` files (second run). Run :command:`gcov` to produce a report for :samp:`app.c`. We see that the first run with nothing to decode results in a partially covered application: .. code-block:: shell-session $ rm -f app.gcda main.gcda $ echo "" | ./a.out 2>gcda-0.txt $ ./a.out gcda-1.txt | gcov-tool merge-stream $ gcov -bc app.c File 'app.c' Lines executed:69.23% of 13 Branches executed:66.67% of 6 Taken at least once:50.00% of 6 Calls executed:66.67% of 3 Creating 'app.c.gcov' Lines executed:69.23% of 13 Run the program to decode :samp:`gcda-1.txt` and send it to the :command:`gcov-tool` using the :command:`merge-stream` subcommand to update the :samp:`.gcda` files. Run :command:`gcov` to produce a report for :samp:`app.c`. Since the second run decoded the gcov information of the first run, we have now a fully covered application: .. code-block:: shell-session $ ./a.out gcda-2.txt | gcov-tool merge-stream $ gcov -bc app.c File 'app.c' Lines executed:100.00% of 13 Branches executed:100.00% of 6 Taken at least once:100.00% of 6 Calls executed:100.00% of 3 Creating 'app.c.gcov' Lines executed:100.00% of 13 System Initialization Caveats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The gcov information of a translation unit consists of several global data structures. For example, the instrumented code may update program flow graph edge counters in a zero-initialized data structure. It is safe to run instrumented code before the zero-initialized data is cleared to zero. The coverage information obtained before the zero-initialized data is cleared to zero is unusable. Dumping the gcov information using ``__gcov_info_to_gcda()`` before the zero-initialized data is cleared to zero or the initialized data is loaded, is undefined behaviour. Clearing the zero-initialized data to zero through a function instrumented for profiling or test coverage is undefined behaviour, since it may produce inconsistent program flow graph edge counters for example.