.. Copyright 1988-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is part of the GCC manual. For copying conditions, see the GPL license file .. _access: ACCESS --- Checks file access modes *********************************** .. index:: ACCESS .. index:: file system, access mode .. function:: ACCESS(NAME, MODE) ``ACCESS(NAME, MODE)`` checks whether the file :samp:`{NAME}` exists, is readable, writable or executable. Except for the executable check, ``ACCESS`` can be replaced by Fortran 95's ``INQUIRE``. :param NAME: Scalar ``CHARACTER`` of default kind with the file name. Trailing blank are ignored unless the character ``achar(0)`` is present, then all characters up to and excluding ``achar(0)`` are used as file name. :param MODE: Scalar ``CHARACTER`` of default kind with the file access mode, may be any concatenation of ``"r"`` (readable), ``"w"`` (writable) and ``"x"`` (executable), or ``" "`` to check for existence. :return: Returns a scalar ``INTEGER``, which is ``0`` if the file is accessible in the given mode; otherwise or if an invalid argument has been given for ``MODE`` the value ``1`` is returned. :samp:`{Standard}:` GNU extension :samp:`{Class}:` Inquiry function :samp:`{Syntax}:` .. code-block:: fortran RESULT = ACCESS(NAME, MODE) :samp:`{Example}:` .. code-block:: fortran program access_test implicit none character(len=*), parameter :: file = 'test.dat' character(len=*), parameter :: file2 = 'test.dat '//achar(0) if(access(file,' ') == 0) print *, trim(file),' is exists' if(access(file,'r') == 0) print *, trim(file),' is readable' if(access(file,'w') == 0) print *, trim(file),' is writable' if(access(file,'x') == 0) print *, trim(file),' is executable' if(access(file2,'rwx') == 0) & print *, trim(file2),' is readable, writable and executable' end program access_test