.. Copyright 1988-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is part of the GCC manual. For copying conditions, see the GPL license file .. _nint: NINT --- Nearest whole number ***************************** .. index:: NINT .. index:: IDNINT .. index:: rounding, nearest whole number .. function:: NINT(A) ``NINT(A)`` rounds its argument to the nearest whole number. :param A: The type of the argument shall be ``REAL``. :param KIND: (Optional) An ``INTEGER`` initialization expression indicating the kind parameter of the result. :return: Returns :samp:`{A}` with the fractional portion of its magnitude eliminated by rounding to the nearest whole number and with its sign preserved, converted to an ``INTEGER`` of the default kind. :samp:`{Standard}:` Fortran 77 and later, with :samp:`{KIND}` argument Fortran 90 and later :samp:`{Class}:` Elemental function :samp:`{Syntax}:` .. code-block:: fortran RESULT = NINT(A [, KIND]) :samp:`{Example}:` .. code-block:: fortran program test_nint real(4) x4 real(8) x8 x4 = 1.234E0_4 x8 = 4.321_8 print *, nint(x4), idnint(x8) end program test_nint :samp:`{Specific names}:` ============= ============= =========== ==================== Name Argument Return Type Standard ============= ============= =========== ==================== ``NINT(A)`` ``REAL(4) A`` ``INTEGER`` Fortran 77 and later ``IDNINT(A)`` ``REAL(8) A`` ``INTEGER`` Fortran 77 and later ============= ============= =========== ==================== :samp:`{See also}:` CEILING, FLOOR