.. _gm2-libs-dtoa: gm2-libs/dtoa ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: modula2 DEFINITION MODULE dtoa ; FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADDRESS ; TYPE Mode (type) Mode = (maxsignificant, decimaldigits) ; (* strtod - returns a REAL given a string, s. It will set error to TRUE if the number is too large. *) strtod PROCEDURE strtod (s: ADDRESS; VAR error: BOOLEAN) : REAL ; (* dtoa - converts a REAL, d, into a string. The address of the string is returned. mode indicates the type of conversion required. ndigits determines the number of digits according to mode. decpt the position of the decimal point. sign does the string have a sign? *) dtoa PROCEDURE dtoa (d : REAL; mode : Mode; ndigits : INTEGER; VAR decpt: INTEGER; VAR sign : BOOLEAN) : ADDRESS ; END dtoa.