.. _gm2-libs-rtexceptions: gm2-libs/RTExceptions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: modula2 DEFINITION MODULE RTExceptions ; (* Runtime exception handler routines. This should be considered as a system module for GNU Modula-2 and allow the compiler to interface with exception handling. *) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADDRESS ; EXPORT QUALIFIED EHBlock, Raise, SetExceptionBlock, GetExceptionBlock, GetTextBuffer, GetTextBufferSize, GetNumber, InitExceptionBlock, KillExceptionBlock, PushHandler, PopHandler, BaseExceptionsThrow, DefaultErrorCatch, IsInExceptionState, SetExceptionState, SwitchExceptionState, GetBaseExceptionBlock, SetExceptionSource, GetExceptionSource ; TYPE EHBlock (type) EHBlock ; ProcedureHandler (type) ProcedureHandler = PROCEDURE ; (* Raise - invoke the exception handler associated with, number, in the active EHBlock. It keeps a record of the number and message in the EHBlock for later use. *) Raise PROCEDURE Raise (number: CARDINAL; file: ADDRESS; line: CARDINAL; column: CARDINAL; function: ADDRESS; message: ADDRESS) ; (* SetExceptionBlock - sets, source, as the active EHB. *) SetExceptionBlock PROCEDURE SetExceptionBlock (source: EHBlock) ; (* GetExceptionBlock - returns the active EHB. *) GetExceptionBlock PROCEDURE GetExceptionBlock () : EHBlock ; (* GetTextBuffer - returns the address of the EHB buffer. *) GetTextBuffer PROCEDURE GetTextBuffer (e: EHBlock) : ADDRESS ; (* GetTextBufferSize - return the size of the EHB text buffer. *) GetTextBufferSize PROCEDURE GetTextBufferSize (e: EHBlock) : CARDINAL ; (* GetNumber - return the exception number associated with, source. *) GetNumber PROCEDURE GetNumber (source: EHBlock) : CARDINAL ; (* InitExceptionBlock - creates and returns a new exception block. *) InitExceptionBlock PROCEDURE InitExceptionBlock () : EHBlock ; (* KillExceptionBlock - destroys the EHB, e, and all its handlers. *) KillExceptionBlock PROCEDURE KillExceptionBlock (e: EHBlock) : EHBlock ; (* PushHandler - install a handler in EHB, e. *) PushHandler PROCEDURE PushHandler (e: EHBlock; number: CARDINAL; p: ProcedureHandler) ; (* PopHandler - removes the handler associated with, number, from EHB, e. *) PopHandler PROCEDURE PopHandler (e: EHBlock; number: CARDINAL) ; (* DefaultErrorCatch - displays the current error message in the current exception block and then calls HALT. *) DefaultErrorCatch PROCEDURE DefaultErrorCatch ; (* BaseExceptionsThrow - configures the Modula-2 exceptions to call THROW which in turn can be caught by an exception block. If this is not called then a Modula-2 exception will simply call an error message routine and then HALT. *) BaseExceptionsThrow PROCEDURE BaseExceptionsThrow ; (* IsInExceptionState - returns TRUE if the program is currently in the exception state. *) IsInExceptionState PROCEDURE IsInExceptionState () : BOOLEAN ; (* SetExceptionState - returns the current exception state and then sets the current exception state to, to. *) SetExceptionState PROCEDURE SetExceptionState (to: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; (* SwitchExceptionState - assigns, from, with the current exception state and then assigns the current exception to, to. *) SwitchExceptionState PROCEDURE SwitchExceptionState (VAR from: BOOLEAN; to: BOOLEAN) ; (* GetBaseExceptionBlock - returns the initial language exception block created. *) GetBaseExceptionBlock PROCEDURE GetBaseExceptionBlock () : EHBlock ; (* SetExceptionSource - sets the current exception source to, source. *) SetExceptionSource PROCEDURE SetExceptionSource (source: ADDRESS) ; (* GetExceptionSource - returns the current exception source. *) GetExceptionSource PROCEDURE GetExceptionSource () : ADDRESS ; END RTExceptions.