.. _gm2-libs-iso-chanconsts: gm2-libs-iso/ChanConsts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: modula2 DEFINITION MODULE ChanConsts; (* Common types and values for channel open requests and results *) TYPE ChanFlags (type) ChanFlags = (* Request flags possibly given when a channel is opened *) ( readFlag, (* input operations are requested/available *) writeFlag, (* output operations are requested/available *) oldFlag, (* a file may/must/did exist before the channel is opened *) textFlag, (* text operations are requested/available *) rawFlag, (* raw operations are requested/available *) interactiveFlag, (* interactive use is requested/applies *) echoFlag (* echoing by interactive device on removal of characters from input stream requested/applies *) ); FlagSet (type) FlagSet = SET OF ChanFlags; (* Singleton values of FlagSet, to allow for example, read + write *) CONST read (const) read = FlagSet{readFlag}; (* input operations are requested/available *) write (const) write = FlagSet{writeFlag}; (* output operations are requested/available *) old (const) old = FlagSet{oldFlag}; (* a file may/must/did exist before the channel is opened *) text (const) text = FlagSet{textFlag}; (* text operations are requested/available *) raw (const) raw = FlagSet{rawFlag}; (* raw operations are requested/available *) interactive (const) interactive = FlagSet{interactiveFlag}; (* interactive use is requested/applies *) echo (const) echo = FlagSet{echoFlag}; (* echoing by interactive device on removal of characters from input stream requested/applies *) TYPE OpenResults (type) OpenResults = (* Possible results of open requests *) (opened, (* the open succeeded as requested *) wrongNameFormat, (* given name is in the wrong format for the implementation *) wrongFlags, (* given flags include a value that does not apply to the device *) tooManyOpen, (* this device cannot support any more open channels *) outOfChans, (* no more channels can be allocated *) wrongPermissions, (* file or directory permissions do not allow request *) noRoomOnDevice, (* storage limits on the device prevent the open *) noSuchFile, (* a needed file does not exist *) fileExists, (* a file of the given name already exists when a new one is required *) wrongFileType, (* the file is of the wrong type to support the required operations *) noTextOperations, (* text operations have been requested, but are not supported *) noRawOperations, (* raw operations have been requested, but are not supported *) noMixedOperations,(* text and raw operations have been requested, but they are not supported in combination *) alreadyOpen, (* the source/destination is already open for operations not supported in combination with the requested operations *) otherProblem (* open failed for some other reason *) ); END ChanConsts.