.. _gm2-libs-iso-charclass: gm2-libs-iso/CharClass ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: modula2 DEFINITION MODULE CharClass; (* Classification of values of the type CHAR *) IsNumeric PROCEDURE IsNumeric (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if and only if ch is classified as a numeric character *) IsLetter PROCEDURE IsLetter (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if and only if ch is classified as a letter *) IsUpper PROCEDURE IsUpper (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if and only if ch is classified as an upper case letter *) IsLower PROCEDURE IsLower (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if and only if ch is classified as a lower case letter *) IsControl PROCEDURE IsControl (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if and only if ch represents a control function *) IsWhiteSpace PROCEDURE IsWhiteSpace (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if and only if ch represents a space character or a format effector *) END CharClass.