.. _gm2-libs-iso-clientsocket: gm2-libs-iso/ClientSocket ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: modula2 DEFINITION MODULE ClientSocket ; FROM IOChan IMPORT ChanId ; FROM ChanConsts IMPORT FlagSet, OpenResults ; (* OpenSocket - opens a TCP client connection to host:port. *) OpenSocket PROCEDURE OpenSocket (VAR cid: ChanId; host: ARRAY OF CHAR; port: CARDINAL; f: FlagSet; VAR res: OpenResults) ; (* Close - if the channel identified by cid is not open to a socket stream, the exception wrongDevice is raised; otherwise closes the channel, and assigns the value identifying the invalid channel to cid. *) Close PROCEDURE Close (VAR cid: ChanId) ; (* IsSocket - tests if the channel identified by cid is open as a client socket stream. *) IsSocket PROCEDURE IsSocket (cid: ChanId) : BOOLEAN ; END ClientSocket.