.. _gm2-libs-iso-simplecipher: gm2-libs-iso/SimpleCipher ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: modula2 DEFINITION MODULE SimpleCipher ; (* Description: provides a simple Caesar cipher layer which can be attached to any channel device. This, pedagogical, module is designed to show how it is possible to add further layers underneath the channel devices. *) FROM IOChan IMPORT ChanId ; (* InsertCipherLayer - inserts a caesar cipher below channel, cid. The encryption, key, is specified. *) InsertCipherLayer PROCEDURE InsertCipherLayer (cid: ChanId; key: INTEGER) ; (* RemoveCipherLayer - removes a Caesar cipher below channel, cid. *) RemoveCipherLayer PROCEDURE RemoveCipherLayer (cid: ChanId) ; END SimpleCipher.