.. _gm2-libs-pim-floatingutilities: gm2-libs-pim/FloatingUtilities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: modula2 DEFINITION MODULE FloatingUtilities ; EXPORT QUALIFIED Frac, Round, Float, Trunc, Fracl, Roundl, Floatl, Truncl ; (* Frac - returns the fractional component of, r. *) Frac PROCEDURE Frac (r: REAL) : REAL ; (* Int - returns the integer part of r. It rounds the value towards zero. *) Int PROCEDURE Int (r: REAL) : INTEGER ; (* Round - returns the number rounded to the nearest integer. *) Round PROCEDURE Round (r: REAL) : INTEGER ; (* Float - returns a REAL value corresponding to, i. *) Float PROCEDURE Float (i: INTEGER) : REAL ; (* Trunc - round to the nearest integer not larger in absolute value. *) Trunc PROCEDURE Trunc (r: REAL) : INTEGER ; (* Fracl - returns the fractional component of, r. *) Fracl PROCEDURE Fracl (r: LONGREAL) : LONGREAL ; (* Intl - returns the integer part of r. It rounds the value towards zero. *) Intl PROCEDURE Intl (r: LONGREAL) : LONGINT ; (* Roundl - returns the number rounded to the nearest integer. *) Roundl PROCEDURE Roundl (r: LONGREAL) : LONGINT ; (* Floatl - returns a REAL value corresponding to, i. *) Floatl PROCEDURE Floatl (i: INTEGER) : LONGREAL ; (* Truncl - round to the nearest integer not larger in absolute value. *) Truncl PROCEDURE Truncl (r: LONGREAL) : LONGINT ; END FloatingUtilities.