.. _gm2-libs-pim-realinout: gm2-libs-pim/RealInOut ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: modula2 DEFINITION MODULE RealInOut ; EXPORT QUALIFIED SetNoOfDecimalPlaces, ReadReal, WriteReal, WriteRealOct, ReadLongReal, WriteLongReal, WriteLongRealOct, ReadShortReal, WriteShortReal, WriteShortRealOct, Done ; CONST DefaultDecimalPlaces (const) DefaultDecimalPlaces = 6 ; VAR Done (var) Done: BOOLEAN ; (* SetNoOfDecimalPlaces - number of decimal places WriteReal and WriteLongReal should emit. This procedure can be used to override the default DefaultDecimalPlaces constant. *) SetNoOfDecimalPlaces PROCEDURE SetNoOfDecimalPlaces (places: CARDINAL) ; (* ReadReal - reads a real number, legal syntaxes include: 100, 100.0, 100e0, 100E0, 100E-1, E2, +1E+2, 1e+2 *) ReadReal PROCEDURE ReadReal (VAR x: REAL) ; (* WriteReal - writes a real to the terminal. The real number is right justified and, n, is the minimum field width. *) WriteReal PROCEDURE WriteReal (x: REAL; n: CARDINAL) ; (* WriteRealOct - writes the real to terminal in octal words. *) WriteRealOct PROCEDURE WriteRealOct (x: REAL) ; (* ReadLongReal - reads a LONGREAL number, legal syntaxes include: 100, 100.0, 100e0, 100E0, 100E-1, E2, +1E+2, 1e+2 *) ReadLongReal PROCEDURE ReadLongReal (VAR x: LONGREAL) ; (* WriteLongReal - writes a LONGREAL to the terminal. The real number is right justified and, n, is the minimum field width. *) WriteLongReal PROCEDURE WriteLongReal (x: LONGREAL; n: CARDINAL) ; (* WriteLongRealOct - writes the LONGREAL to terminal in octal words. *) WriteLongRealOct PROCEDURE WriteLongRealOct (x: LONGREAL) ; (* ReadShortReal - reads a SHORTREAL number, legal syntaxes include: 100, 100.0, 100e0, 100E0, 100E-1, E2, +1E+2, 1e+2 *) ReadShortReal PROCEDURE ReadShortReal (VAR x: SHORTREAL) ; (* WriteShortReal - writes a SHORTREAL to the terminal. The real number is right justified and, n, is the minimum field width. *) WriteShortReal PROCEDURE WriteShortReal (x: SHORTREAL; n: CARDINAL) ; (* WriteShortRealOct - writes the SHORTREAL to terminal in octal words. *) WriteShortRealOct PROCEDURE WriteShortRealOct (x: SHORTREAL) ; END RealInOut.