Sorted summary for file /home/marxin/bin/gcc/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/11.0.1/cc1plus

   46.19 ggc-page.c:1549
   15.68 ggc-page.c:1554
   15.12 ggc-page.c:1545
    4.19 ggc-page.c:1551
    3.16 ggc-page.c:1550
    2.72 ggc-page.c:637
    2.39 ggc-page.c:630
    1.40 ggc-page.c:1537
    1.13 ggc-page.c:1559
    0.94 ggc-page.c:629
    0.88 ggc-page.c:1564
    0.77 ggc-page.c:628
    0.71 ggc-page.c:1565
    0.69 ggc-page.c:639
 Percent |	Source code & Disassembly of cc1plus for cycles:u (3623 samples, percent: local period)
         : 3      Disassembly of section .text:
         : 5      0000000000c697c0 <ggc_set_mark(void const*)>:
         : 6      ggc_set_mark(void const*):
         : 1537   P must have been allocated by the GC allocator; it mustn't point to
         : 1538   static objects, stack variables, or memory allocated with malloc.  */
         : 1540   int
         : 1541   ggc_set_mark (const void *p)
         : 1542   {
    1.40 :   c697c0: endbr64 // ggc-page.c:1537
         : 629    uintptr_t high_bits = (uintptr_t) p & ~ (uintptr_t) 0xffffffff;
    0.25 :   c697c4: movabs $0xffffffff00000000,%rdx
         : 1537   {
    0.19 :   c697ce: sub    $0x8,%rsp
         : 1539   lookup_page_table_entry():
         : 628    page_table table = G.lookup;
    0.77 :   c697d2: mov    0x1c05c47(%rip),%rax        # 286f420 <G+0x540> // ggc-page.c:628
         : 629    uintptr_t high_bits = (uintptr_t) p & ~ (uintptr_t) 0xffffffff;
    0.94 :   c697d9: and    %rdi,%rdx // ggc-page.c:629
         : 630    while (table->high_bits != high_bits)
    0.08 :   c697dc: cmp    %rdx,0x8(%rax)
    2.39 :   c697e0: je     c697f1 <ggc_set_mark(void const*)+0x31> // ggc-page.c:630
    0.00 :   c697e2: nopw   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
         : 631    table = table->next;
    0.00 :   c697e8: mov    (%rax),%rax
         : 630    while (table->high_bits != high_bits)
    0.00 :   c697eb: cmp    0x8(%rax),%rdx
    0.00 :   c697ef: jne    c697e8 <ggc_set_mark(void const*)+0x28>
         : 637    L2 = LOOKUP_L2 (p);
    0.00 :   c697f1: mov    $0x18,%ecx
         : 636    L1 = LOOKUP_L1 (p);
    0.00 :   c697f6: mov    %rdi,%rsi
         : 637    L2 = LOOKUP_L2 (p);
    0.33 :   c697f9: mov    $0x1,%edx
    0.28 :   c697fe: mov    %rdi,%r9
    0.63 :   c69801: mov    0x1c05c28(%rip),%r8        # 286f430 <G+0x550> // ggc-page.c:637
         : 636    L1 = LOOKUP_L1 (p);
    0.36 :   c69808: shr    $0x18,%rsi
    0.14 :   c6980c: movzbl %sil,%esi
         : 637    L2 = LOOKUP_L2 (p);
    0.00 :   c69810: sub    %r8d,%ecx
         : 639    return base[L1][L2];
    0.69 :   c69813: mov    0x10(%rax,%rsi,8),%rax // ggc-page.c:639
         : 637    L2 = LOOKUP_L2 (p);
    1.46 :   c69818: shl    %cl,%edx // ggc-page.c:637
    0.19 :   c6981a: mov    %r8d,%ecx
    0.11 :   c6981d: sub    $0x1,%edx
    0.63 :   c69820: shr    %cl,%r9
    0.25 :   c69823: movslq %edx,%rdx
    0.22 :   c69826: and    %r9,%rdx
         : 639    return base[L1][L2];
    0.25 :   c69829: mov    (%rax,%rdx,8),%rax
         : 641    ggc_set_mark(void const*):
         : 1545   unsigned long mask;
         : 1547   /* Look up the page on which the object is alloced.  If the object
         : 1548   wasn't allocated by the collector, we'll probably die.  */
         : 1549   entry = lookup_page_table_entry (p);
         : 1550   gcc_assert (entry);
   15.12 :   c6982d: test   %rax,%rax // ggc-page.c:1545
    0.11 :   c69830: je     74fddb <ggc_set_mark(void const*) [clone .cold]>
         : 1550   /* Calculate the index of the object on the page; this is its bit
         : 1551   position in the in_use_p bitmap.  */
         : 1552   bit = OFFSET_TO_BIT (((const char *) p) - entry->page, entry->order);
    0.00 :   c69836: movzbl 0x2e(%rax),%edx
   33.32 :   c6983a: sub    0x18(%rax),%rdi // ggc-page.c:1549
         : 1551   word = bit / HOST_BITS_PER_LONG;
         : 1552   mask = (unsigned long) 1 << (bit % HOST_BITS_PER_LONG);
    1.16 :   c6983e: mov    $0x1,%esi // ggc-page.c:1551
         : 1556   /* If the bit was previously set, skip it.  */
         : 1557   if (entry->in_use_p[word] & mask)
         : 1558   return 1;
    0.14 :   c69843: mov    $0x1,%r8d
         : 1549   bit = OFFSET_TO_BIT (((const char *) p) - entry->page, entry->order);
    0.03 :   c69849: mov    %rdx,%rcx
    0.00 :   c6984c: lea    0x1c061ed(%rip),%rdx        # 286fa40 <inverse_table>
    0.03 :   c69853: shl    $0x4,%rcx
    0.11 :   c69857: add    %rcx,%rdx
    1.73 :   c6985a: imul   (%rdx),%rdi // ggc-page.c:1549
   11.13 :   c6985e: mov    0x8(%rdx),%ecx
    0.19 :   c69861: shr    %cl,%rdi
         : 1550   word = bit / HOST_BITS_PER_LONG;
    3.16 :   c69864: mov    %edi,%edx // ggc-page.c:1550
         : 1549   bit = OFFSET_TO_BIT (((const char *) p) - entry->page, entry->order);
    0.03 :   c69866: mov    %rdi,%rcx
         : 1550   word = bit / HOST_BITS_PER_LONG;
    0.00 :   c69869: shr    $0x6,%edx
         : 1551   mask = (unsigned long) 1 << (bit % HOST_BITS_PER_LONG);
    1.70 :   c6986c: shl    %cl,%rsi // ggc-page.c:1551
         : 1554   if (entry->in_use_p[word] & mask)
    0.85 :   c6986f: add    $0x6,%rdx // ggc-page.c:1554
         : 1551   mask = (unsigned long) 1 << (bit % HOST_BITS_PER_LONG);
    1.33 :   c69873: mov    %rsi,%rcx // ggc-page.c:1551
         : 1554   if (entry->in_use_p[word] & mask)
    0.08 :   c69876: mov    (%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi
   14.83 :   c6987a: test   %rcx,%rsi // ggc-page.c:1554
    0.25 :   c6987d: jne    c6988e <ggc_set_mark(void const*)+0xce>
         : 1559   /* Otherwise set it, and decrement the free object count.  */
         : 1560   entry->in_use_p[word] |= mask;
    0.00 :   c6987f: or     %rsi,%rcx
         : 1564   entry->num_free_objects -= 1;
         : 1566   if (GGC_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 4)
         : 1567   fprintf (G.debug_file, "Marking %p\n", p);
         : 1569   return 0;
    0.88 :   c69882: xor    %r8d,%r8d // ggc-page.c:1564
         : 1558   entry->in_use_p[word] |= mask;
    0.00 :   c69885: mov    %rcx,(%rax,%rdx,8)
         : 1559   entry->num_free_objects -= 1;
    1.13 :   c69889: subw   $0x1,0x2a(%rax) // ggc-page.c:1559
         : 1565   }
    0.22 :   c6988e: mov    %r8d,%eax
    0.71 :   c69891: add    $0x8,%rsp // ggc-page.c:1565
    0.19 :   c69895: ret

Sorted summary for file /home/marxin/bin/gcc/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/11.0.1/cc1plus

   60.52 c-common.h:1252
    3.95 gt-cp-tree.h:104
    2.55 gt-cp-tree.h:107
    2.55 gt-cp-tree.h:692
    1.86 c-common.h:1253
    1.82 gt-cp-tree.h:109
    1.52 gt-cp-tree.h:224
    0.97 gt-cp-tree.h:346
    0.94 gt-cp-tree.h:339
    0.91 gt-cp-tree.h:460
    0.64 gt-cp-tree.h:353
    0.64 gt-cp-tree.h:474
    0.61 gt-cp-tree.h:114
 Percent |	Source code & Disassembly of cc1plus for cycles:u (3289 samples, percent: local period)
         : 3      Disassembly of section .text:
         : 5      0000000000ba22a0 <gt_ggc_mx_lang_tree_node(void*)>:
         : 6      gt_ggc_mx_lang_tree_node(void*):
         : 104    }
         : 105    }
         : 107    void
         : 108    gt_ggc_mx_lang_tree_node (void *x_p)
         : 109    {
    1.25 :   ba22a0: endbr64 // gt-cp-tree.h:104
         : 107    union lang_tree_node * x = (union lang_tree_node *)x_p;
         : 108    union lang_tree_node * xlimit = x;
         : 109    while (ggc_test_and_set_mark (xlimit))
    0.52 :   ba22a4: cmp    $0x1,%rdi // gt-cp-tree.h:107
    0.33 :   ba22a8: jbe    ba3daa <gt_ggc_mx_lang_tree_node(void*)+0x1b0a>
         : 104    {
    0.00 :   ba22ae: push   %r15
    1.49 :   ba22b0: push   %r14 // gt-cp-tree.h:104
    0.27 :   ba22b2: push   %r13
    0.40 :   ba22b4: push   %r12
    0.49 :   ba22b6: mov    %rdi,%r12
    0.06 :   ba22b9: push   %rbp
         : 107    while (ggc_test_and_set_mark (xlimit))
    0.42 :   ba22ba: mov    %rdi,%rbp
         : 104    {
    0.18 :   ba22bd: push   %rbx
    0.55 :   ba22be: sub    $0x18,%rsp
    0.67 :   ba22c2: nopw   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
         : 107    while (ggc_test_and_set_mark (xlimit))
    0.18 :   ba22c8: mov    %rbp,%rdi
    0.18 :   ba22cb: call   c697c0 <ggc_set_mark(void const*)>
    1.22 :   ba22d0: test   %eax,%eax // gt-cp-tree.h:107
    0.24 :   ba22d2: jne    ba2300 <gt_ggc_mx_lang_tree_node(void*)+0x60>
         : 112    gt_ggc_mx_lang_tree_node(void*) [clone .localalias]:
         : 1252   c_tree_chain_next (tree t)