NDS32 Built-in Functions#

These built-in functions are available for the NDS32 target:

void __builtin_nds32_isync(int *addr)#

Insert an ISYNC instruction into the instruction stream where addr is an instruction address for serialization.

void __builtin_nds32_isb(void)#

Insert an ISB instruction into the instruction stream.

int __builtin_nds32_mfsr(int sr)#

Return the content of a system register which is mapped by sr.

int __builtin_nds32_mfusr(int usr)#

Return the content of a user space register which is mapped by usr.

void __builtin_nds32_mtsr(int value, int sr)#

Move the value to a system register which is mapped by sr.

void __builtin_nds32_mtusr(int value, int usr)#

Move the value to a user space register which is mapped by usr.

void __builtin_nds32_setgie_en(void)#

Enable global interrupt.

void __builtin_nds32_setgie_dis(void)#

Disable global interrupt.